Ultra-light axions
CMB = Cosmic microwave background (solid = Planck; projection = CMB-S4)
+BOSS = CMB + galaxy clustering (Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey)
+DES = CMB + galaxy weak lensing shear (Dark Energy Survey)
Lyaf = Lyman-alpha forest
Rei. = High-redshift UV luminosity function + optical depth to reionisation
MW = Milky Way sub-halo mass function
SPARC = Galaxy rotation curves in SPARC database
Eri.-II = Central star cluster in dwarf galaxy Eridanus-II
BHSR = Black hole superradiance
PTA = Pulsar timing arrays (projection)
kSZ = Kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (projection = CMB-S4)
kSZ-OV = Ostriker-Vishniac effect (projection = CMB-HD)
SKA-IM = Intensity mapping (projection = Square Kilometre Array)
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